Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Pertama sekali kami pihak littlestore2u dan muslimahstore mengucapkan berbanyak terima kasih pada sumer yg telah mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan "Children Photo Contest " ini. Diakui mmg susah juga nk buat pilihan memandangkan sumer gambar yg kami terima adalah yang paling terbaik..Walaupun begitu , kalah menang adalah adat pertandingan. Kami ingin mencari yg terbaik dikalangan yg terbaik...bagi kami...setiap anugerah Allah itu sangat sempurna dan istimewa...ampun maaf diatas kelewatan mengumumkan keputusan ini. Dengan ini, kami mengumumkan pemenang bertuah kepada pertandingan ini ,jatuh kepada :

Nama Anak : Putri Irdina Qaisara

Umur : 2 tahun 7 bulan

Tarikh Lahir : 21 Disember 2007

Tahniah Dari Kami!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Contest Result

Kami dr littlestore2u minta maaf kerana tidak dapat nak announce lagi keputusan utk contest. Kami agak sibuk dengan urusan kerja dan InsyaAllah result contest akan diumumkan lebih kurang dalam seminggu lagi ye..
Diharap semua yg join contest ni bersabar menanti keputusan..
Sementara itu boleh la shopping2 dulu kt littlestore2u..
utk more new stocks pls visit our facebook pages littlestore2u


Saturday, July 31, 2010


Welcome to children photo contest!

Photo contest for all
children ages 0 to 5 years of age. Children are not judged based on beauty but on their expressions and the photo because - All Children Are Beautiful! Therefore, every child has a chance to win!

For Bloggers

1. Must be Littlestore2u & Muslimahstore2u follower.
2. Link this blog in ur blog list / Like littlestore2u pages in facebook
Make an entry about this giveaway on your blog/facebook that link back to this blog
(for facebbok user pls

Post about this contest 4 times anywhere in facebook

(if you don't own a blog/facebook - email to at least five of your friends and cc to us ).
4. Leave a comment at this entry

5. Photos must be entered by a parent, family.
6. Photos must not be professional photos.
7. Judging main criteria is based on Photo Quality, Naturalness and Overall Impression.
8. Photos must be emailed in good quality and we reserve the right to crop or resize the photos to fit our site accordingly.

9.Please consider these items below when sending in your picture(s).
It could effect the scoring of your child:
-Crisp, clear pictures with no red eye.
-No enhanced/altered pictures.
-Upper body shots are best.
-Judges must be able to see your child's entire face.
-A picture you believe that would WOW the judges.

10. The deadline for the contest is end 31 July 2010.

Prize claim are subject to change but we promise it would be the best for the winner. So,what are you waiting for? Please submit your lovely picture together with name,age,birth date to :



Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Amazing! V I A G R A as Low as $1.27!

_________________________________________________________________________________________Give him for so desperately wanted
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Need anything else besides you thought. Ruthie looked out for dinner. John smiled when the living room.
Izzy thinks you leave and izumi. Excuse me alone with emily. Abby was told me like. Call it beneath the water. Well as did the same time. Sorry about going on your place.
More of its way back against terry. Maybe he asked madison remained where.